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How To Perform Half Kneeling Woodchops

Half Kneeling Woodchops are a great exercise to improve core strength and trunk rotation. It strengthens the obliques, back, shoulders and hips. Try this out if you have a single dumbbell or medicine ball to use.

Level/Difficulty: Intermediate to Advanced

Muscle Group(s): obliques, shoulders, back, glutes

Equipment: dumbbell or medicine ball

Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises

Coaching Cues:
Core engaged, hips under ribcage, inhale to reach the weight above and across the body, exhale return to start

Before starting:

Be sure to use a weight that is not too heavy, and to not arch the lower back during the rotation.

Try to keep your hips relatively still while doing this exercise.

  1. Start in a half kneeling position and hold your weight in both hands. Create a neutral spine.

  2. Inhale as you twist your torso and ‘swing’ the weight over the lunging leg, high into the air. Keep hips stable.

  3. Exhale as you return the weight and your torso to the start. Repeat reps on this side before switching sides.

  4. Be sure to maintain a slight pelvic tuck while performing this exercise. Exhale as you perform the "chop" portion of the move.

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