How To Perform Prone Field Goals For Rotator Cuff Strength
Elevate your shoulder health with the Field Goal exercise, a targeted exercise for strengthening the rotator cuff. This exercise focuses on enhancing shoulder stability and mobility, vital for overall upper body strength. Incorporate the Field Goal exercise into your routine to fortify shoulder stability and reduce injury risk.
Level/Difficulty: Intermediate To Advanced
Muscle Group(s): Rhomboids, Mid/Low Trap, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor
Equipment: table, bench or bed
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Retract or squeeze shoulder blades, rotate arms until parallel to floor, stretch both arms in front of you, maintaining height, return to start
Before starting:
If using a weight, be sure that it is not too heavy.
Lay face down on a table, bench or on the edge of your bed. Both arms should be positioned in front of the table.
Retract or squeeze both shoulder blades together using your elbows. Be sure to not engage your traps or shrug your shoulders
Slowly externally rotate both hands so that they are facing each other, then externally rotate both arms so that they are facing the ceiling.
Slowly stretch both arms far in front of you without lowering either arm. Maintain height throughout.
Slowly return both arms back to the start the way you came. Perform for high repetitions for e.g. 15-25 repetitions.