How To Perform Half Kneeling Bicep Curls
Half Kneeling Bicep Curls are a great variation to strengthen your arms but also improve core and hip stability at the same time. Works the biceps, obliques, glutes and hamstrings.

Level/Difficulty: Beginner to Advanced
Muscle Group(s): biceps, obliques/abs, glutes, hamstrings
Equipment: a pair of dumbbells, a yoga block/pillow to kneel on (optional)
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Half kneeling position, maintain neutral spine, keep ribcage down throughout, stack hips under ribs, perform curls
Before starting:
Be sure to use a weight that is not too heavy, keep low back from hyperextending by engaging the core
Position yourself in half kneeling, using a yoga block or pillow under the knee if needed. Hold a weight in each hand.
Engage the core, slightly tuck the pelvis and keep the hips directly under the ribcage.
Hold this position while performing the desired amount of bicep curls. On the next set, switch the legs.