How To Perform Stability Ball Plank Circles
The Stability Ball Plank Circle exercise (also known as "Stir The Pot") challenges the core by teaching anti-extension and controlling your balance - here are two different variations for your fitness level.

Level/Difficulty: Beginner to Advanced
Muscle Group(s): core, shoulders
Equipment: stability ball
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Core engaged, hips and spine neutral, keep trunk still throughout
Before starting:
Level 1: Perform on your knees. Feel free to use a pillow under the knees for comfort.
Level 2: Perform on your toes.
Kneel in front of a stability ball and support your upper body on the ball by placing your elbows and forearms on the ball.
Lift your knees (for Level 2), squeeze your glutes and push your torso away from the ball. The body should be in a straight line from head to feet (or knees).
Keep pushing your torso away from the ball as you draw circles with the ball, keeping your hips relatively still. You may take a wider stance with your feet to help maintain balance and control.
Move slowly so you don’t fall off the ball.