How To Perform Forward Lunges With Reach (Trunk Rotation)
This exercise is a spiced up version of the classic Forward Lunge, but now adds trunk rotation, which can improve overall mobility, strengthen the obliques and glutes much more than the traditional lunge.

Level/Difficulty: Intermediate to Advanced
Muscle Group(s): quads, glutes, hamtrings, obliques, calves
Equipment: none (dumbbell or kettlebell optional)
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Stride forward, keep front heel heavy, reach to the front ankle with the opposite arm
Before starting:
Be sure to use a weight that is not too heavy.
Stand with feet hip width apart. Hold your weight in one hand (you’ll start to lunge with the opposite leg).
If you’re holding the weight in the right hand, lunge with the left leg forward. Keep the left heel heavy onto the floor.
Bent both knees to lower yourself into the lunge, and reach the right arm (the dumbbell) towards the left ankle. Don’t hyperextend the lower back to do so.
Exhale as you push yourself back to the start. Repeat the reps on the same side before switching sides.
Lower the weight if you're unable to do this exercise with good form.