How To Do The “Core 4 On The Floor” Full Body Mobility Routine
This go-to mobility routine is great for warming up or as a cooldown to any workout, as it opens up the hip flexors, glutes, lats, shoulders and lower back. The Stretch To Win Institute© recommends to do this program before activity a little quicker as a dynamic stretch to activate your nerves, muscles and fascia, then do at night a lot slower to aid in recovery and sleep.

Level/Difficulty: Beginner to Advanced
Muscle Group(s): hip flexors, lower back, glutes, lats
Equipment: none
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Breathe slowly and thoroughly throughout; take your time at each position; note a change in flexibility before moving on.
Before starting:
You can use a yoga block under your hips if you’re having trouble with your flexibility or mobility.
Sit on your mat/floor with your hips and knees spread apart at 90° each and your hands on the floor behind you.
Slowly move each leg/knee off the floor, side to side, to loosen up and mobilize the hip joints, until you have full range of motion.
Proceed to sitting in this 90-90 position with your hands on the floor for support. Inhale to lower your torso over your lap, and exhale to return to the start.
Repeat as many repetitions as necessary on this hip. Feel free to come down on your elbows for a deeper stretch in the lower back.
Staying on the same side, walk your hands/torso from in front of you to behind that hip. Come down to your inside elbow, raise the opposite arm to the ceiling, and stretch that arm overhead.
Repeat as many repeitions as necessary on this shoulder/side of the back.
Repeat this entire routine on the other side of the body.