How To Do The Couch Hip Flexor Stretch
The Couch Stretch is popular as a way to stretch the quads and hip flexors. This exercise may also alleviate back pain and stiffness. It's termed 'couch stretch' because you can do it quite comfortably from your couch.

Level/Difficulty: Beginner to Advanced
Muscle Group(s): hip flexors, quads, hips
Equipment: a couch, chair, bench or wall, a pillow/yoga block under knee for comfort (optional)
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Kneel in front of couch/wall/chair, foot against couch, other leg in a lunge position, sit up straight to stretch hip flexors/quads
Before starting:
If the stretch is too intense, you can move the knee away from the couch/wall. Ensure you breathe well for a deeper stretch.
Kneel on the floor in front of a bench, supported chair, or couch.
Position one foot on the bench/chair/couch, and set the other leg into a lunge position in front of you. You may use a pillow or yoga block underneath the knee if needed for comfort.
Slowly lift your torso into an upright position to feel the stretch in the hip flexor/quad. If it is too intense, bring the knee further away from the bench and repeat.
If you would like a deeper stretch, keep the knee closer to the bench and slightly tuck the pelvis.
Hold for 60 seconds before switching sides.