How To Perform The Hurdler’s Stretch For Lower Back Stiffness
Unlock flexibility and prevent injury with the Hurdler's Stretch. This dynamic stretch targets hips, hamstrings, and lower back, enhancing overall mobility. Learn the proper technique and benefits of the Hurdler's Stretch for a more flexible and resilient body.

Level/Difficulty: Beginner to Advanced
Muscle Group(s): hamstrings, lower back, calves, shoulders
Equipment: long thin towel or resistance band to assist in stretch (optional)
Exercise groups: Lower Body Exercises, Full Body Exercises, Lower Body Exercises, Core Strengthening Exercises, Upper Body Exercises, Posture Strengthening Exercises
Coaching Cues:
Stretch leg out to the side, side bend torso toward outstretched leg, breathe deep throughout
Before starting:
You can use a long and thin resistance band or a long beach towel for assistance, if needed.
Sit on the ground with one leg outstretched to the side. The other leg can simply stay bent in front of you.
Reach the same side arm to the leg outstretched in front of you and hold onto the foot. You can use the resistance band here for assistance.
Side bend your torso to the same side outstretched leg with your opposite arm, breathing deep as you stretch
While staying bent to that side, slowly rotate your torso towards the outstretched leg for a greater stretch to your lower back. Hold for 30 seconds to 1min, or perform for repetitions.